Friday, January 15, 2010, 7-10pm
picture perfect is an expression used when inadvertently a perfect view opens up. The term therefore refers to a special moment revealing an undisturbed view on beauty, like a picturesque landscape.
The 4 photographers in this exhibition – Andrea Kroth, Jonas Holthaus, Tim Kubach and Lukas Hoffmann – approach the picturesque in a more figurative sense. None of the photographers are concerned with classical beauty, but rather with the moment worthwhile to be captured on film. And this moment occurs in everyday situations or calculated departures from the ideal.
In Andrea Kroth’s image ‚diversity & refinement’, for example, the Mona Lisa appears as a print on a pearl curtain, serving an asia store as a screen for their display. Kroth is concerned with the obstructed or disrupted view. She quotes the original while undermining its iconic over-glorification.
In Tim Kubach’s image ‚Hagen 01’ the obstructed turns out to be the actual as well. A large store window display has apparently become the victim of unchecked plant growth, that has already filled the entire window frame. What was once intended as decoration, has developed its own dynamic, beyond any original intentions.
All photographs were taken in the public or semi-public space, as were the images of Jonas Holthaus, which were taken around horseracing tracks. In his series ‚Interior & Sculpture’ Holthaus confronts us with a series of spacial constellations of objects, that in their placement suggest meanings, that are more hinted at than explained.
Lukas Hoffmann is the only photographer of the 4 who changes situations prior to photographing them. The interventions are done through everyday materials, such as post-it notes or toilet paper and are more or less subtle. The works raise a number of complex questions with regards to content balance, the construction of image and representation and the role of photography as a document of the real.
The 4 photographers don’t reproduce the picturesque image unreflected, but follow their own individual approaches in their search for the worthwhile image.