Jonas Holthaus >
The series 'Posture & Battle' (portrait) and 'Interior & Sculpture' were taken in the environment of horseracing tracks.
The photographs from 'Interior & Sculpture" are concerned with objects, that appear to
conform to an arbitrary order. They are articles of daily use, that serve as elements of decoration at the same time. Details betray their point of origin.
The images document a place but move beyond the environment depicted. Freed of space and usage, a new image is ready to emerge.
1980 born in Duisburg
Seit 2003 Fachhochschule Dortmund, Communicationsdesign/ Photodesign
2005 Founding of the Designoffice
2006 Residency in Lissabon/Portugal am IADE - Instituto de Artes Visuais e Design
Since 2007 Work as Independent Photographer
2009 New Homelands/Neue Heimat, Architektur Galerie Berlin; Strukturwandel, Galerie Lichtblick, Cologne; New Homelands/ Neue Heimat, Deutsches Architektur Museum, Frankfurt am Main; Epson Art Photo Award, Art Cologne; Werkschau: Schein oder Sein, Kunstraum Zeche Scherlebeck, Herten; I, OBJECT, Gloriahalle, Duesseldorf
2008 Young European Photography, Goethe-Institut, Almaty‚ Ae ì Kasachstan; Epson Art Photo Award, Art Cologne
Epson Art Photo Award 2009
European Architectural Photography Prize 2009
Epson Art Photo Award 2007/2008