Mirko Zander >
From the exhibition text 2003: "The images shown here were all taken in Berlin. They couldn't have been made, however, without a certain distance in time and location. After having been catapulted back to the eternal construction site Berlin from the apparent protection of a small town in Provence, France, the first image of the series presented here was taken. They are soldiers of the Bundeswehr on the balcony of the Reichstag. An emblematic picture. Something had changed in the city. More and more people in uniform could be seen, more television teams, more sirenes heard. Bonn turned into the "Berlin Republik" and the time of large-scale .. celebrated their new-found existence. The fassades of government buildings seemed higher and more unimprenatable. This atmosphere I tried to translate into photographs."
Born 1971 in Berlin. 2001/2 Studies at Ecole Supérieure Nationale de la Photographie in Arles. 2005 Photography Degree, Hochschule fuer Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig
2001/2002 and 2004 Karl Gerold Stipend. 2006 Stipend Kulturamt Mitte
2000 frontale - berliner bildnisse, brotfabrik galerie, Berlin. 2002 digitale diphtongue, Médiapole/Arles/France. 2003 chemnitz - die stadt, Staatl. Kunstsammlungen Sachsen/Chemnitz; waechter, Space untitled, Berlin. 2004 coup de tête, Galerie Otto Nagel, Berlin; kalte herzen, Kunstbunker Tumulka, Munich. 2006/7 kültür - nur fuer mitglieder, Sporklübü, Fenster61, Deutsche Welle/Berlin
2004 kalte herzen, Schaden Cologne. 2005 das gesetz und seine visuellen folgen, Verlag Lars Mueller. 2007 dummy - gesellschaftsmagazin, Berlin