Simon Menner >
About the Series Camouflage
In all images of this series sharp shooters of the German Army are hidden. It is a sign of their great professionality that they can't be seen.
Short Biography
born 1978
2007 Meisterschueler HdK Berlin with Professor Stan Douglas
Prizes (Selection)
2006 „Theodorus-Hospitz-Foerderpreis“
2007 „Meisterschuelerpreis of the President of the HdK, Berlin“
2008 „Studio Stipend of the Karl-Hofer-Gesellschaft“
Exhibitions (Selection)
2006 „Die Nacht und Ihre Kinder“, Neues Museum Weimar
2007 „Kreis Kugel Kosmos“, Kunsthalle Wuerth, Schwaebisch Hall
2007 „Wahlverwandschaften“, Neues Museum Weimar
2008 „xXx“, Galerie Michael Schultz Contemporary, Berlin